Imagination in fiction

When my kids were little, I would tell a bedtime story every night. These stories were original and spontaneous, sometimes containing a lesson about something that had happened to them during the day. An encounter with a bully, a fight with a sibling, an observation or insight told to me during the day, all of these situations gained understanding when the kids were relaxed and focused on their stories.

I use the story conventions of beginning each tale with “once upon a time,” and ultimately decided to start writing them down after the kids fell asleep, thinking that the kids may want to share them with their own children one day.

Here are some examples of the stories, including a modern take on the “Three Little Pigs” fairy tale. I am compiling a book and adding illustrations from a variety of artist friends of mine, and hope to have it published soon:

I would love to have your comments on the stories.

Douglas Filter has been a word-crafter all of his life. He has used his storytelling talents to organize presentations, law suits, technical papers and many other documents. He has written and published blogs, columns, articles, business plans and even recently, a draft of a patent. CV’s, contracts, business letters, all forms of written communication. If you need words crafted into a special message, please contact me.